
Saturday 11 June 2016

Aam Panna Ice Candy

 Aam Panna Ice Candy 


250 gms raw mangoes,

1/2 cup powdered sugar ( or adjust according to your taste )

1/4 cup mint leaves 

1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon  black salt 


Wash mangoes  in water & wipe with a kitchen towel now peeled and roughly chop it .
Now in large pan or vessel place chopped mangoes with 2 cups of water. and cover it and cook it for 10 minutes or until it become soft switch of the gas . let it cool down compeletly mean while the mint leaves and keep it aside , now  grind it in a grinder till smooth. paste ,add rest of the ingredients( salt, sugar and cumin seeds powder)   except mint leaves in mango puree and blend it for a second ,take mango mix in mixing bowl add 3 cups water & mint leaves  and mix well ,now pour the panna mixture in ice candy moulds /disposable cups  And freeze them  for 4 to 6 hours.
once theice candy  set,  unmould the ice candy sliding  a butter knife at the edges. remove& serve immediately.Kritika's cuisine..

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